Your flaws are your real beauty

Your flaws is what you truly are made of,

They define your innocence within,

Getting rid of them or hiding them is like hiding and seeking escape from yourself completely (unless if you are overweight by choice than it not a flaw but if you use a lot of makeup or cosmetic to change your appearance to seek fake validation),

Or changing them into perfection is equal to loosing yourself entirely in the process of it,

What will be left after that is an object of obsession in the illusion of perfection,

It is all there will be and nothing of yourself will survive or cease to exist anymore,

Even your own image will became alienated towards your own reflection,

Be careful of your unrealistic desires that can lead to isolation from within,

It is better to be isolated by the world around you than to be isolated by your own reflection,

You might win the world temporarily by getting of your rid of your flaws but you can permanently be empty by alienating yourself entirely from your own essence within,

Such a life is like an empty shell that awaits for its lost pearl to be found that never existed to begin with.

Problem with today’s women

Problem with today’s modern women in majority is , that they are too needy in what they desire,

When they see man’s acting needy like them, they start to despise them because it is their own reflection in the neediness of man’s that they cannot accept,

Man’s are only seeking unconditional love from their partners and what they get in return is conditions and an ungrateful attitude from their ladies,

It is where they loose hope and are falling apart,

Social media is not responsible for this attitude of today’s modern women, it is their inner greed of materialism that has exposed the true nature of women in general, society being the first culprit definitely has always hard wired women to look for security first,

Man’s can only help them if they are sincere enough to receive the help they need,

However it has all become about monkey branching by trying to find that one perfect man, a prince charming with lots of resources and materialism, as if other man’s with less resources have no identity of their own,

There is no ounce of faith and integrity in today’s modern and independent women anymore, since they are trying to compete with the man’s masculinity in some delusional manner,

When in real feminity in it’s own organic manner is way superior than masculinity can ever be,

Toxic masculinity in previous generation of man’s have definitely contributed to this mess of women’s behavior in today’s society,

However this tit for tat mentality in both genders have taken this culture of narcissism onto a another level,

And man’s in general are becoming the causality out of it, since they are taking the unethical route of suicide by killing themselves, as they cannot come to the terms of understanding that how come women can be so cruel, cold and brutal in nature,

Marijuana is definitely playing an integral part by allowing women to shut their emotions off and become stoned to the extent of not listening to their inner conscious amymore,

It is what has been breaking the relationship of soulmates apart besides the conditional marriage where people marry based on the fake perception of the compatibility culture which always ends up breaking apart on the grounds of expectations that never gets fulfilled,

Women need to wake up before it’s too late for them to, since time has never been in favour of anyone,

If this culture of drugs, greed and materialism keep going forward with its brutality, than we are sure headed for doom and recovery will not be an option anymore without a major catastrophe.

Never let go of it

Never give up and never go let of attachments that makes you feel vulnerable and anxious,

They make you feel in such a manner is because these attachments are here to help you understand more about yourself,

As to where in yourself you need work upon, towards the balance that you lack within,

There are lots of misinformation out there that says , let go of it (the attachment to soulmate)

if you do that it comes back to haunt you down,

it is nothing but the worst advice ever,

If you let go of it, that means you will start all over again,

It certainly does not means that you have to enslave yourself by not letting it go,

All you have to do is find balance in between and hold onto it by trying not to detach yourself from it,

Giving up on your soulmates just because they come with a challenge is giving up on yourself completely,

It is where the real breakdown begins as you try to detach yourself from someone whose existence have introduced the meaning of completion itself in your life to begin with,

Such a feeling is a gift in it’s own manner that you do not get to feel from anyone and everyone,

It’s our fear within that tells us to have it all or nothing,

And that is not how the universal balance operates upon,

So hold onto the connections of your soulmate, no matter what and celebrate their existence,

Hopefully your mate will realize it and become one with you,

And if not than stick to the feeling that brought true purpose in life which you had always been seeking for.

Toxic Friends

Toxic friends will always be the problem in your life,

Since you do not allow your own inner guidance to help you through in life,

Your so called friends will always destroy any harmony that will come your way as you allow them to do so,

In today’s time the meaning of friendship circle is all about how lost the whole circle can become by misguiding each other to the extent of point of no return,

The world is cruel, but that doesn’t mean that you have to add more cruelty to it,

Yet, all these majority of friendship circle is destroying whatever peace is left in the name of consuming drugs, alcohol and hell bent on eliminating any form of peace within that is trying to help them, by rebelling against the process (consciousness) of inner guidance to begin with,

You cannot save those who are not interested to be saved,

If they are hell bent on destroying themselves than there is nothing you can do about it,

Even if your own soulmate is involved in it,

Infront of freewill every thing on this planet is helpless,

Thing about path to destruction is, it can only be stopped by the same people who are walking upon it,

Toxic friends appears to be the most reliable people in your lives, as long as they have something to benefit from you, they will stand by your side,

These kind of friendship can be formed from a childhood circle of friendship and it gains speed into individuals lives due to the pressure and expectation culture of society, where the individuals seek escape in loosing their own heritage and identity through substance abuse,

Society is setting up these individual and groups of friends to self destruct themselves in the manner of rebellion mindset and these toxic individual friendship towards each other is leaving no stone unturned to make that come true,

From drug culture to rebellion songs, whatever these lost people insert within them is what they put out in the universe to reflect back upon themselves and when it does reflects back on them, they seek escape instead of confronting themselves and realizing that they are the part of the problem and their narrow vision of seeking materialism as an ultimate goal in life is nothing but an illusion which will lead them to the point of life that will become hard in each passing day when they grow older and older,

Hope is, that these individuals wake up from their nightmare path by embracing the harmony within which attracts them to their soulmate who will not only bring balance in their life but a guidance to walk upon it as well,

Otherwise the vicious circle of doom will keep on repeating itself and these individuals will carry on destroying themselves in the name of friendship that serves nothing but invites a life long misery in the manner of temporary comfort that is based upon nothing but a ground which is full of illusions.

How to be an opportunity for others

life is not about ignoring people, life is about accepting the challenge that people come with a baggage and intention of using you but you be graceful and let them use you to their benefit,

Once karma reflects, the user will be awakened and you are here in that position to let them use you for a purpose of enlightening them,

Meaning you are a helping hand in the universe,

Let them use you to a certain point as much as you can afford to provide them with the leisure of it, just do not go overboard upon it either by giving away everything financially,

If we keep such users (including our loved and beloved ones) away from ourselves than we will not evolve as they won’t wake up due to that,

Someone has to use someone to realize their unbalanced path, they are walking upon,

Universe allows us to use its resources so that we can understand the meaning of gratitude which humbles us down to the level of grounding ourselves with appreciation,

That is how we grow and evolve into a being, but to become human we must learn from the ethics of universe and be there for others to utilize us, in order for them to find their innocence within themselves and realize that sharing is the key towards the solution of all our problems,

From here onwards how we intend to carry it further is where our peace awaits in the form of balance itself.

Being Needy is alright

There is nothing wrong in being needy at all,

Society thinks being needy is the sign of weakness,

Infact it is the other way around, being needy is the sign of courage, strength and bravery,

As it allows you to be vulnerable enough to express your desire towards growth both in personal and professional spectrum of relationships in life

Makes you walk against the fake perceptions of ego that society has set up for you to be tamed and control by fear only to keep a check upon your growth in the manner of suppressed norm of slavery that has converted a joyful being into an average person who is unable to think out of the box,

If you want to be free out of this men made unethical paradox than embrace your neediness and don’t be shy about expressing it whole heartedly,

Try not to fear the rejection, as society is bound to road block your potential in every step you take towards your future growth,

It is in the nature of masses to feel insecure and left behind by the people who do not surrender into their limited thought process of operating steps towards success and harmony in life,

Be who you are instead of being someone you are not and never will be(meaning always be real, raw and authentic by being genuine and respectful at all time),

Sincerity is the key to unlock all doors, being needy doesn’t mean to be an idiot by allowing others to take advantage of you, it means to allow grace manifest into you, so you can help others see through at their own reflection from which they are running away from.


They are being termed as cold and brutal and most likely uncureble,

Which is not correct, because if you give up on them as a friends or as a soulmate, it is at that point they become a lost cause,

We humans abandon each other because we fear challenges in life, that’s why the universe teaches us the lesson of not accepting grace that comes our way by helping us to realize the hollow within will always linger unless we do what we are here to do,

Sociopaths lie,manipulate and betray but why do they do that, everyone is quick to paint them as unemotional beings but no one cares to understand their trauma for not able to connect emotionally with other people despite they try their best to connect sometimes,

Unable to receive help they retreat back to their manipulation tactic to survive,

So called normal people in society pushes them to be that way and than abuse their existence like they are some kind of parasite that needs to be in a mental asylum,

Instead of dealing with them through compassion and uncontional love, everyone is told to steer clear of them,

Where are they going to go and what will they not do to feel and act like in certain way so they can be treated with respect like everyone else,

Society is the culprit that creates the injustice to such extent in the form of expectations and judgement that these beings who they term as sociopaths have no other choice but to lean on substance abuse of drugs and alcohol which further damages them and makes it more harder to forsee themselves in a balanced relationship,

Can we even call ourselves humans anymore, these sociopaths comes from normal people in society, they are not from outer space, they are someone’s wife,husband and children,

Any form of disability comes to humanity as an oppertunity to evolve further by embracing the challenges of life that comes with it,

Yet as humans our track record has always been the other way around,

No wonder humanity is becoming disgusting by each passing day.

Women of today

Women are lost, and if they dont save themselves from themselves than no one can either,

Hope is, that women wake up right away and see how messed up they have become and start to fix things asap or we are all doomed,

There is no other way around it,

This drug, money and travel the world epidemic has killed the feminine inside women.

The enemy within

If you allow yourself to be influenced by unethical advice of others, and if you acted upon it,

Then it is you who is a true enemy of yourself,

People only influence others with unethical advice as they have planned a long vision to abuse the advised ones due to the opportunity of resources they see in their innocence to be taken advantage of, or the influencers pretending to be your friends are unhappy with your progress in life,

Either ways, if you as a person allow yourself to be in that position of being unethically influenced at this stage of your life,

Than you are your own greatest enemy from which no one can save you from, but yourself.

Consequences of studying psychology as a stand alone subject

If you had studied psychology, chances are that you have already started to read people’s behavior,

What happens as the consequence that follows next is somewhere slowly and deeply you start to detach from the connection of your own essence,

You end up being disconnected from your feelings and emotions to such extent that you stop feeling the empathy to connect with others from within,

As a result your own essence feels alienated by too much of a brain activity that flips the balance between your mind and your heart,

Your ability to feel becomes num everyday, the more you read people the more your innocence is being crushed as an outcome of this consequence,

As a human being, we are suppose to thrive upon the innocence within, instead we take the approach of highly sensitive intuition and turn it against our own core,

What happens next, we begin to achieve everything we desire but end up becoming exactly what we had despise all our lives,

Lessons of psychology should only be integrated into society through universal perception, yet it is distributed through the aspect of men made perception that is only limited to its current affairs with respect to its timeline,

Innocence is the key and an integral part towards the survival of humanity without it we are nothing but a beast loose on the ground that has no vision nor any sight to realize as how to live in harmony through its lifetime,

What is the point of everything and yet it feels that you have nothing at all,

Lets not repeat this unethical chain of karma again and again,

Instead let’s break the chain and embrace the innocence within that was gifted to us when we took our first breath in this universe as a human being,

Human psychology is as vast as a whole universe, seekng it through the lens of limited men made perceptions of reading and judging a person as a subject will turn the reader into an object itself and that is not what humans are here on this planet for.